Interactive Code & Generative Art


The emblem of your name. 

A project that combines a 2D expression of code and bringing that expression into the physical world with 3D printing. The code takes the user input (the name) and generates a unique design based on variables from the name. The design is then saved as a 3D file and printed. Shown here in glow in dark PLA filament.

Click here to experience the interactive work!


An experiment in thinking INSIDE the box.

Click here to experience the interactive work.


Based on the classic "MadLibs", create nonsensical sentences! 

Click here to experience the interactive work.


Generative artwork. Below are iterations of the same code with minor adjustments, made in p5.js, a sub-program of Processing. Inspired by Casey Reas' Processing Compendium. 

Click here to experience the interactive work.

Using Format